Abduction Digest, Number 63 Wednesday, May 27th 1992 (C) Copyright 1992 Paranet Information Service. All Rights Reserved. Today's Topics: Abduction Theory? Re: Traffic Jam Re: Affect On Us Re: Abduction Theory? New movie Intruders Abduction Re: Intruders Re: Intruders CUFOSJ Re: Abduction Theory? Re: Intruders Abduction Theory? Re: I'm Baaack!!! Intruders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pony.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Pony Godic) Subject: Abduction Theory? Date: 16 May 92 22:12:00 GMT The following is not an attempt at an actualy theory, but does attempt to make sense of abductions by making some observations and asking some questions that may not have been asked before. As far as I know, no-one has looked at abductions within the context of the current status of this planet. The world is suffering political turmoil and, certainly, this is a variation on the theme that has stretched throughout our recorded history and before. Nevertheless, there are elements in the current world situation that have never existed before. These are overpopulation resulting in the environmental pressures of forest clearing and pollution of the air, water and soil. In this context, is it possible that aliens are monitoring us to determine the impact of such factors on our physical and reproductive as well as mental health? Perhaps abductees are subject to charade type manipulations when they are taken for examination. Perhaps the seeming clumsiness of the medical exam and the medical instruments used are nothing more than a blind behind which samples are nevertheless taken and an ongoing evaluation made. If the subject should recall the abduction, then their memories of cumbersome intruments and confusing alien procedures would be considered implausible and so other explanations would be sought. Implants may seem the most unbelievable aspect of abductions, but perhaps the implant the subject is shown, often theatrically, and what is actually implanted are very different. Surely, if an alien race are sophisticated enough to cross space and get here, they are sophisticated enough to have a very sound knowledge of our technology. In old sci fi movies, knowledge of our language, technology and social structure were explained rather quaintly by alien intercepton of our radio and television transmissions. Today, I don't think it implausible to suggest the possibility of aliens tapping into our computer networks. If this is happening on an ongoing basis, then aliens would know everything from the individual defence status of each nation, to the current level of our medical technology. Armed with such knowledge, it may be possible to implant sampling devices that could not be traced by our current level of technology. I draw your attention to nasal implants. If you were interested in determining the types and levels of impurities that we were inhaling and measuring their impact on our physical health, then a nasal implant would be the medium. Of course, other implant sites occur, but with the application of the above reasoning, they may all be explainable. If aliens are monitoring us in relation to the degredation of our world environment, then they must have onworld bases. I don't think it implausible, when discussing something as wild as this, to suggest that our deepest oceans would provide excellent sites. On land, there are deserts and both the poles. But, to move from place to place, alien space ships would have to be invisible in all senses. (Certain sightings do involve seemingly miraculous appearances and disappearances.) If aliens have the technology to get here, then they may have the technology to render themselves invisible. Assuming alien bases exist, and that our computer networks are monitored from them, then surely aliens would possess very sound knowledge on us. But why? Well, perhaps they are simply documenting our decline with the same philosophical resignation as we document the decline of individual species here on Earth. Perhaps they are interested in whether the pollution here is resulting in a downgrading in our fertility. Or perhaps they are interested in what reproductive mutations it will lead to. Perhaps abductees are not shown human/alien hybrids, but reproductive experiments using mutated reproductive cells from male and female humans. One thing that would be explained by all of the above is the phenomena of repeater abductees. If you are monitoring, then you would take individuals and examine them periodically. If you wished to determine the psychological impact of the decline of mother Earth on humans, then perhaps you would show replays of fictional catastrophies, relating that they were the result of shortsightedness. Of course, if we are being monitored, then maybe it's not entirely dispassionate. Perhaps the aliens are trying to determine whether or when they would intervene. I'm not saying that I believe any of the above and certainly realize that all I'm doing is exercising my imagination and stretching your credibility. Nevertheless, the above would fit the "facts" and, in the spirit of intelligent debate, I invite discussion. -- Pony Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Pony.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: John.Hrusovszky@p0.f300.n238.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hrusovszky) Subject: Re: Traffic Jam Date: 15 May 92 03:40:00 GMT JW> When you log on next just select the Odyssey UFO Database; they're JW> stored in there. Got about 50 of the 400+ re-entered. Jer, would it be possible to put the new sightings for the UFO database into a special file that TIC could send to me on a weekly basis? Entering them in a message area will not allow me to add them to my listing. And, the first time, I would just as soon download the whole thing to make sure I am not missing any. THanks in advance. --jah ... Turn Your 386 into an XT ... Use Windows! -- John Hrusovszky - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: John.Hrusovszky@p0.f300.n238.z1.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser) Subject: Re: Abduction Theory? Date: 17 May 92 15:11:00 GMT In a message to All <05-16-92 15:12> Pony Godic wrote: PG> Perhaps abductees are subject to charade type manipulations when they PG> are taken for examination. Perhaps the seeming clumsiness of the PG> medical exam and the medical instruments used are nothing more than a PG> blind behind which samples are nevertheless taken and an ongoing PG> evaluation made. If the subject should recall the abduction, then PG> their memories of cumbersome intruments and confusing alien PG> procedures would be considered implausible and so other explanations PG> would be sought. That's something I've believed for a long time. If I were investigating a planet, and I was under strict orders not to make myself known or interfere with its development, AND I knew I had to potchkey somewhat with the natives, AND I knew I couldn't completely erase their memory of the experience, I would do the next best thing: flood them with disinformation. Create a scenario in their minds that was so implausible that when they got around to telling their story to the masses, no one would believe them. I think the entire genetic engineering charade is just that - an intricate mask for their real purposes. What those are, I wouldn't even presume to guess. Jim -- Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: bcstec.ca.boeing.com!kuryakin Subject: New movie Date: 21 May 92 23:16:29 GMT From: kuryakin@bcstec.ca.boeing.com (Rick Pavek) I'll apologise in advance if this doesn't pan out, but it seems like there might be enough story here to make the topic... For the last two weeks they (20th Century Fox) have been filming a Kiefer Sutherland/Jeff&Beau Bridges movie called Vanishings. Don't know much about the plot other than it deals with a Gas Station/Food Mart of the _Titan_ chain and the disappearence of a man's wife and son. The vague things I hear are that Jeff Bridges is the bad guy, Kiefer Sutherland is the good guy and his wife and son are kidnapped somehow. One scene has the wife/son walking out of the store with Kiefer about 10 seconds behind. When he looks up, even though they are directly in front of him, he is unable to see them. So the nutshell is there may be some connection to UFO abductions, though the manner in which they attempt an explanation seems to be one of those wild tangents that Movie Moguls like to take. The movie is apparently scheduled for a Jan 93 release. Rick Pavek kuryakin@bcstec.ca.boeing.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser) Subject: Intruders Date: 21 May 92 13:56:00 GMT So.... What'd y'all think of Intruders? I thought it was excellent, perhaps the best fictional vehicle for informing the public on this issue that's ever come along. I was leary of the fact that it had been fictionalized, but Tracy and his collaborator did an excellent job. I was very impressed with the no-nonsense tenor of the production, and I think the message of "THIS IS A GENUINE PROBLEM" came through loud and clear. Something tells me the impact of this mini-series will be far greater than that of the movie "Communion" (which is as it should be). Jim -- Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ray.Maurer@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Ray Maurer) Subject: Abduction Date: 21 May 92 22:58:00 GMT I am working with a young female abductee who is scared to death to go to sleep at night. Has anyone come accross a method of stopping an abduction? Or does anyone have a suggestion on what I should tell her to calm her down. She is at that age (23) when the abductions are coming fairly frequently. Advise is welcome. Thanks Ray -- Ray Maurer - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Ray.Maurer@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Linda Bird) Subject: Re: Intruders Date: 22 May 92 02:08:00 GMT Hi Jim, I was intrigued by the part where the scientist talked about the nasal implant and its characteristics. Any truth to any of that? i was not aware that an implant had been found and studied. Thanks, Linda -- Linda Bird - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Linda.Bird@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ralph.Toscano@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Ralph Toscano) Subject: Re: Intruders Date: 22 May 92 22:54:00 GMT Hi Jim: On the whole I thought the mini series was well done. However, the ending was sort of "corny"... "Somewhere out there is my niece"... gimme a break!... I felt strong anti-government overtones... perhaps this will lead people to the realization that something IS going on here!... Let's hope that the rumors of an Oliver Stone UFO flick are legit!!.... Best Regards - Ralph -- Ralph Toscano - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Ralph.Toscano@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Vladimir Godic) Subject: CUFOSJ Date: 22 May 92 06:46:00 GMT > am pleased to see someone has finally done the necessary > research instead of dismissing the testable hypothesis out of > hand. If a thorough investigation now shows that FPP is not the > broad answer, although they allow it is strongly suggested as > the answer for some abductions, I am now ready to move on to Keith, I think you should be congratulated on all the research you have been doing on the FFP. Even if it is "NOT the broad answer" to all abductions, there is definitely something in it - I don't think FFP should be simply dismissed as "non starter". This is non-scientific and reminds me of a number of individuals, I had spoken to in the past, (some of them were scientist, doctors etc.) and who perhaps read only one (probably the worst kind) book on UFOs and said "there is nothing in it - UFOs are a bunch of nonsence". I have had oportunity to interview people, some of them simply reporting a UFO sighting, whose imagination (and FFP) was working overtime. Actually I used to know a few "regulars" who would call me at least once a month and report more UFO sightings. I even knew a "UFO researcher" who had at least 3 or 4 UFO sightings a day. If this is not FFP I don't know what is it. -- Vladimir Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Vladimir.Godic@f7.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Pony.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Pony Godic) Subject: Re: Abduction Theory? Date: 24 May 92 03:01:00 GMT PG> their memories of cumbersome intruments and confusing alien PG> procedures would be considered implausible and so other explanations PG> would be sought. > I had to potchkey somewhat with the natives, AND I knew I > couldn't completely erase their memory of the experience, I > would do the next best thing: flood them with disinformation. > Create a scenario in their minds that was so implausible that > when they got around to telling their story to the masses, no > one would believe them. I think the entire genetic engineering > charade is just that - an intricate mask for their real > purposes. What those are, I wouldn't even presume to guess. Thanks for your reply Jim, I agree with you. Sometimes I wonder if we're really being coaxed and prodded towards a particular objective. Originally we were teased intellectually by UFO flaps, now we're being teased by an abduction flap. I can't help feeling that what is remembered may be accidentally on purpose. Consequently, I wonder if this is all a big intelligence test. If that's so, then we've got all the pieces we just haven't figured out how to put them together. Of course, I say this in the spirit of debate. I honestly, have no idea what's going on, but it sure is titilating. I suppose the one thing that can be said for certain is that if you are going to go to the trouble of crossing X number of light years of space, you'd have to be coming here for something very important. Of course, the interest may be purely clinical, e.g. documenting our demise. Cheers Pony -- Pony Godic - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Pony.Godic@f6.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Speiser) Subject: Re: Intruders Date: 24 May 92 17:10:00 GMT -THE- Ralph Toscano? Where have YOU been hiding? As to the ending being corny, well, sometimes corny is appropriate... Yes, an Oliver Stone flick would be just the thing, but I don't think we're going to hear anything about it until the dust settles from "JFK". I wouldn't want him to scuttle his credibility prematurely. Certainly an event of that type is needed, though, in fact it may be the ONLY thing that can light a fire under people at this point. Good to hear from you again. Jim -- Jim Speiser - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Jim.Speiser@f100.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Richard.Salts@p0.f28.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Richard Salts) Subject: Abduction Theory? Date: 27 May 92 06:11:05 GMT Hello Pony! 16 May 92, Pony Godic writes to All: PG> The following is not an attempt at an actualy theory, but does attempt to PG> make sense of abductions by making some observations and asking some PG> questions that may not have been asked before. PG> As far as I know, no-one has looked at abductions within the context of PG> the current status of this planet. The world is suffering political PG> turmoil and, certainly, this is a variation on the theme that has PG> stretched throughout our recorded history and before. Nevertheless, there PG> are elements in the current world situation that have never existed PG> before. These are overpopulation resulting in the environmental pressures PG> of forest clearing and pollution of the air, water and soil. PG> In this context, is it possible that aliens are monitoring us to determine PG> the impact of such factors on our physical and reproductive as well as PG> mental health? PG> Perhaps abductees are subject to charade type manipulations when they are PG> taken for examination. Perhaps the seeming clumsiness of the medical exam PG> and the medical instruments used are nothing more than a blind behind PG> which samples are nevertheless taken and an ongoing evaluation made. If PG> the subject should recall the abduction, then their memories of cumbersome PG> intruments and confusing alien procedures would be considered implausible PG> and so other explanations would be sought. PG> Implants may seem the most unbelievable aspect of abductions, but perhaps PG> the implant the subject is shown, often theatrically, and what is actually PG> implanted are very different. Surely, if an alien race are sophisticated PG> enough to cross space and get here, they are sophisticated enough to have PG> a very sound knowledge of our technology. In old sci fi movies, knowledge PG> of our language, technology and social structure were explained PG> rather quaintly by alien intercepton of our radio and television PG> transmissions. Today, I don't think it implausible to suggest the PG> possibility of aliens tapping into our computer networks. If this is PG> happening on an ongoing basis, then aliens would know everything from the PG> individual defence status of each nation, to the current level of our PG> medical technology. Armed with such knowledge, it may be possible to PG> implant sampling devices that could not be traced by our current level of PG> technology. PG> I draw your attention to nasal implants. If you were interested in PG> determining the types and levels of impurities that we were inhaling and PG> measuring their impact on our physical health, then a nasal implant would PG> be the medium. Of course, other implant sites occur, but with the PG> application of the above reasoning, they may all be explainable. PG> If aliens are monitoring us in relation to the degredation of our world PG> environment, then they must have onworld bases. I don't think it PG> implausible, when discussing something as wild as this, to suggest that PG> our deepest oceans would provide excellent sites. On land, there are PG> deserts and both the poles. But, to move from place to place, alien space PG> ships would have to be invisible in all senses. (Certain sightings do PG> involve seemingly miraculous appearances and disappearances.) If aliens PG> have the technology to get here, then they may have the technology to PG> render themselves invisible. PG> Assuming alien bases exist, and that our computer networks are monitored PG> from them, then surely aliens would possess very sound knowledge on us. PG> But why? PG> Well, perhaps they are simply documenting our decline with the same PG> philosophical resignation as we document the decline of individual species PG> here on Earth. Perhaps they are interested in whether the pollution here PG> is resulting in a downgrading in our fertility. Or perhaps they are PG> interested in what reproductive mutations it will lead to. Perhaps PG> abductees are not shown human/alien hybrids, but reproductive experiments PG> using mutated reproductive cells from male and female humans. PG> One thing that would be explained by all of the above is the phenomena of PG> repeater abductees. If you are monitoring, then you would take PG> individuals and examine them periodically. If you wished to determine the PG> psychological impact of the decline of mother Earth on humans, then PG> perhaps you would show replays of fictional catastrophies, relating that PG> they were the result of shortsightedness. PG> Of course, if we are being monitored, then maybe it's not entirely PG> dispassionate. Perhaps the aliens are trying to determine whether or when PG> they would intervene. PG> I'm not saying that I believe any of the above and certainly realize that PG> all I'm doing is exercising my imagination and stretching your PG> credibility. Nevertheless, the above would fit the "facts" and, in the PG> spirit of intelligent debate, I invite discussion. Hi, Pony, I'm new to Paranet and I have a thought or two on your subject. I am writing this late at night so I'll be brief. Contrary to "stretching my credibility", I LOVE to talk about wild things! They stretch my mind and I enjoy that! My theory: I believe THEY are using this earth and us humans as a resource center for THEIR own needs. THEY have no wish to contact us directly and publicly for reasons that I'll say just now are obvious. I can talk later on those if there is interest. THEY may have certain biological problems (as per Hopkins' researches) that THEY need us for without disturbing our culture with knowledge of THEIR presence. Best regards, Richard -- Richard Salts - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Richard.Salts@p0.f28.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Ralph.Toscano@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Ralph Toscano) Subject: Re: I'm Baaack!!! Date: 26 May 92 19:10:00 GMT Hi Jim; Yes, I'm back... I needed to get away from this UFO thing for awhile...after my experiences with Lear and then the stuff with Moore, I was about to "lose it".... We'll have to chat about this stuff privately sometime... I hope all is well with you..resturaunt..your book,(still writing one I hope)?... I've been getting involved with the abduction phenomena lately... lots of credible folks out there, pretty scary stuff... Hope we can chat soon. Best Regards - Ralph ("THE") -- Ralph Toscano - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Ralph.Toscano@f816.n107.z1.FIDONET.ORG -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Keith Basterfield) Subject: Intruders Date: 17 May 92 22:46:00 GMT Hi Linda, thanks for posting that piece on the TV movie "Intruders." I wonder what impact this is going to have? We will wait and see. -- Keith Basterfield - via ParaNet node 1:104/422 UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name INTERNET: Keith.Basterfield@f12.n1040.z9.FIDONET.ORG ******************************************************************************** For permission to reproduce or redistribute this digest, contact: DOMAIN Michael.Corbin@paranet.org UUCP scicom!paranet.org!Michael.Corbin ****************A**B**D**U**C**T**I**O**N****D**I**G**E**S**T******************* Submissions UUCP {ncar,isis,csn}!scicom!abduct Submissions DOMAIN abduct@scicom.alphacdc.com Admin Address abduct-request@shemtaia.weeg.uiowa.edu Mail to private Paranet/Fidonet addresses from the newsletters: DOMAIN firstname.lastname@paranet.org UUCP scicom!paranet.org!firstname.lastname ****************A**B**D**U**C**T**I**O**N****D**I**G**E**S**T*******************